Wednesday, December 25, 2019

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Happy Hannukah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa!

Holiday-themed Books 

It is definitely the time of the year for people of different cultures and faiths. To me, the "sentiment" I most embrace is that of "Peace on Earth" and kindness and good will to others. Unlike many, my home has both a menorah and a Christmas tree, reflecting different faiths of my family members. Each year, I enjoy the holiday-themed cozies and romances - yup, I do watch the Hallmark Channel!  Here are just a few of the holiday cozies I've read in the last month ... feel free to share your favorites of the season in the comments!

Yuletide Murder: A Deadline Cozy Mystery #10 by Sonia Parin

The bridge to the mainland is down, and Eve and her guests are all stranded. So much for her quiet Christmas holiday in her Inn with friends and family. Especially when Todd Emerson is found dead. She's determined to make it the best Christmas ever, complete with tiny marshmallows, and a certain police man right after she figures out who the killer is. Lots of holiday spirit and a good pace. Quick read.

Hoppy Holiday Homicides :Pet Whisperer PI #9 by Molly Fitz

Angie and her new found cousin Mags are all set to enjoy the annual Holiday Spectacular in Glendale, when they discover two bodies in the ice garden. Then Mags is kidnapped. It's up to Octo-Cat, Paisley the chihuahua, and EB bunny along with a few humans to help Angie figure out the killer. This is the 9th  in the Pet Whisperer PI series with a holiday theme and Angie the PI Pet Whisperer. If you like family, pets, and a bit of romance, add this one to your holiday TBR pile. 

17.5 Cartridges in a Pear Tree : A Maize Albright Star Detective "Between Cases" Holiday Novella by Larissa Reinhart

Maizie is all set for New Years Eve in Black Pine, Georgia when she is spooked by someone who comes to Nash Investigations in search of the Death Necklace from one of Maizie's movies. She gave the movie prop to her dad and now people are after her to get the necklace. Between Maizie and her sister, Remi, a lot can go wrong as they try to save the necklace and catch the bad guys. As always, the characters are great and the plot includes a bit of humor as well as tension. What a way to start the New Year.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

RELEASE DAY: OLD FRIENDS AND NEW, ANOTHER MURDER A Sheridan Hendley Mystery #3 by Christa Nardi



A touch of nostalgia, a murder, and good friends.

When a former colleague is implicated in his neighbor’s demise, Sheridan Hendley returns to Cold Creek to prove his innocence. Annoying as Max can be, she can’t imagine the quirky professor is capable of murder. Unfortunately, not everyone shares her opinion. Of course, it doesn’t help that Max threatened his neighbor in a public place soon before the man was murdered. Or that the victim’s drug shipments had a habit of turning up on Max’s doorstep.

Read an excerpt:

Charlie and Bella’s barking and pawing woke me up.  Even a little disgruntled, I couldn’t help but smile at the antics of my older Sheltie and the young lab mix. The smell of coffee helped, too.
A glance at the clock and I groaned. I overslept. Again. The weekend and languishing a bit in bed over. Work beckoned, at least three days a week at my continuing temporary job at Millicent College. That and the joys of getting one teenager up and ready for high school.
Grumbling to myself, I checked Maddie’s room on my way to the kitchen. She didn’t answer the knock on her door, so I opened it and shooed the dogs inside. She screeched and I chuckled. Definitely not a morning person. Her typical teen concern for her appearance slowed her down even more whenever she had to leave the house.
“Come on, Maddie. You need to get a move on.”
In the kitchen, Brett intent on his tablet. Although we were no longer newlyweds, nothing was better than waking up to this man, with his hazel eyes, dark curly hair, contagious smile, and dimples. A six-foot teddy bear unless on the job as a State Police detective or in protective mode.
He quickly shifted the screen on the tablet and smiled.
“Work already? Anything interesting?”
“Not really.”
Maddie stumbled into the kitchen. At fifteen, she portrayed a feminine version of her father, with long, dark hair and hazel eyes. With her last growth spurt, she was almost as tall as me. To her dismay, that made her taller than most of the boys in her grade, including her friend, Alex.
“Maddie, stand up straight. You look great. Got all your homework?” Brett handed her a glass of orange juice as he spoke and kissed her forehead.
“Thanks.” A quick glance at her watch and she emptied the glass. “Gotta run.” She grabbed her coat and raced out the door, her backpack slung over her shoulder.
Brett shook his head and smiled. “She’s grown up so fast.”
“For sure, and that learner’s permit is burning a hole in her wallet. In no time, she’ll be driving.”
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “I’m not ready for that. Or boys who drive.”
The ring tone of his phone halted his realizations. Work. I bustled around the kitchen and made myself a bagel. I waved one at him and he shook his head as he stashed his phone and grabbed his tablet.
“Fabry. We need to go to North Shore. Something’s come up and we need to check it out.” He leaned over, kissed me, and stole a bite of my bagel. “Later.”
I nodded. Detective James Fabry was his partner when something bigger than the ordinary assignments locally came up. That “something” often translated to a dead body or major drug bust or similar. Assigned to Division III in Appomattox, Brett and Fabry often caught the situations outside of the immediate area. Like Brett, Fabry had been with the State Police for many years, though he was the older and more cynical of the two. 
Brett’s assignment to the murder of one of my colleagues in Cold Creek was how we had met. I smiled as I recalled my time in Cold Creek, meeting Brett, and our friends. Cold Creek wasn’t that far away from Clover Hill where we lived now. Kim Pennzel was my close friend from Cold Creek. We’d worked together for almost six years and stayed in touch when I’d married Brett and moved to Clover Hill. A few years younger than me, we shared backgrounds – both psychologists, both divorced. Kim always had a lot more energy than me and sometimes acted on impulse. We talked a lot and often she and Marty would come to Clover Hill or we would go there.
Charlie’s nose nudged me out of my dreams. Brett had already fed both dogs and I let them out. The temperature had dropped, not unexpected for a fall day. A quick glance at the thermometer of our weather station assured me it was chilly, but not yet cold. I poured myself another cup of coffee, settled the dogs in, and, as usual, was the last to leave the house.
Like Maddie, with everything I needed in my backpack. A quick stop at the Starbucks® drive through and I was on my way. The ride through the hills from Clover Hill to the college was beautiful, the leaves on the trees beginning to turn. In the winter, the drive got a little tricky with possible black ice, especially on the two bridges. For now, I enjoyed the kaleidoscope of color and sunlight.
Millicent College was a small liberal arts college like Cold Creek College. Originally it was a women’s college, hence the name. That changed in the 70s though and no one at the college remembered that earlier time at all. Least not that I had met. This was my second year as a Visiting Assistant Professor and it suited me.
Unlike my position at Cold Creek College, my only responsibility was to teach assigned classes and attend a meeting or two. Like semi-retirement, though I still had a few years before I reached fifty. This schedule fit my new life style with plenty of time for Brett and Maddie, as well as to volunteer at the local dog rescue, Clover Hill Pets & Paws.
I arrived early for a change, walking in with Dr. Addison, the Psychology Department Head. About my age, he had reddish blonde hair and a moustache, set off with blue eyes. His wool trench coat in deference to the weather reminded me of old westerns and made me smile.
“Good morning, Dr. Hendley. You seem in a good mood this brisk morning.”
“I am. How are you this morning?”
“Good. Busy. Meetings and paperwork. Semester seems to be going well. Enrollment is up and the trustees are happy.” He hesitated and added, “Hopefully, the faculty and staff are as well.”
I smiled as we reached the hall with his suite of offices. He nodded and disappeared, and I ducked into the large lounge area and refilled my coffee from the Keurig machine. Coffee in hand, I stopped at my office to drop things off and then was in teaching mode.
I smiled at colleagues and students as I made my way back to my friend, Keurig, after class. As usual, the lounge was bustling with activity and noise, students, staff, and faculty alike. It was lunch time and the fast food venues had long lines. I got in line and watched the big screen as I waited.
Mostly national news, but then the running announcements on the bottom indicated “Breaking News: State Police make discovery in North Shore, VA.” And then sports news. Frustrating. I checked my phone and no message from Brett. It was a given he and Fabry were involved in whatever was discovered and my curiosity peaked..

Excerpt from Old Friends and New, Another Murder. Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.

The Sheridan Hendley Mysteries
A New Place, Another Murder
Dogs and More Dogs, Another Murder
Old Friends and New, Another Murder

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Friday, December 6, 2019

Book Review: A CHRISTMAS QUICK SKETCH: A Cherry Tucker Holiday Prequel Caper (A Cherry Tucker Mystery Book) by Larissa Reinhart


Sassy Southern artist Cherry Tucker and her poker-loving boyfriend, Todd, pop into Memphis to help Todd’s cousin who’s been hustled out of his savings, right before Christmas. Staying at the shady Heartache Motel, Cherry can’t tell a shill from a mark and fears everyone is playing them for chumps. Cherry and Todd quickly find themselves in a dangerous sting that could send them to the slammer or mark them as pigeons from cons looking for an even bigger score.

For a fun-filled romp through a gritty gambler's view of Memphis, grab Cherry's Christmas caper today!


Cherry and Todd are on their way to a VIP Poker match in Vegas, but stop off in Memphis to help out Todd's cousin, Barry. He managed to lose everything in a poker game and now his kids and wife won't have a merry Christmas. Todd decides it's time for a sting operation and connects with some shady characters, flashing a lot of money around and losing. Add in an Elvis or two, and a few other 'unusual' characters, and this is a fun, quick read. The bigger question: Is Cherry able to let go of her lifetime love and make things work with Todd? 

If you're looking for a quick, light read, with a few surprises along the way, you will enjoy this one. 


A Cherry Tucker Mystery Series


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Blog Tour: SECRETS AND LIES A Claire Callahan Mystery by P. H. Turner


Shot to death in his home, Morgan Tutwiler leaves behind a multimillion-dollar business and a daughter who hasn’t spoken to him in years. And she isn’t alone in wanting him dead. Plenty of people wanted the most hated man in Denver dead in P. H. Turner’s latest novel in the Claire Callahan series.

Reminiscent of the finest gumshoe storytelling, Secrets and Lies, would not be complete without Turner’s signature quirky characters and inventive plot.


Claire Callahan is a PI for a law firm, and doesn't always like her job, though she does like her boss, Marsh, and a detective, Rafe. Morgan Tutwiler is a large account and the man managed to make many enemies. He had one daughter, who would inherit when he was killed and she'd moved away and had no contact with her father for some time. Claire's job was to 'babysit' Amanda and get her through the ordeal without being blamed for her father's death. The problem is, Amanda - and her adoring boyfriend - have the greatest motive of all. And the boyfriend, James? True to the title, almost all the suspects have secrets and lies. Aside from Amanda herself and James, there's the family he caused so much grief to, the father committing suicide. His son is trying to re-invent the company and make a go of it, only he has his own secrets. Claire is chasing down all the possibles and at each turn, there is another lie or secret. In between, she's dealing with her father, who she's only had minimal contact with since she was 6 years old. And he has secrets too.

The story is well-paced and well-crafted. The reader knows who the killer is from the start, though not why he's killed Tutwiler or how he's connected. That's the mystery that Claire has to unravel to uncover his existence. There are twists and turns, with connections being made at a steady pace. Claire knows there's something under the surface she's missing. She doesn't give up until she finds the link. This was a good read, more classic mystery than cozy, and looks to be the first in a new series. I liked Claire and will be looking for the next in this series. 

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

Purchase Link – Amazon

About P.H. Turner

P.H. Turner writes mystery and suspense novels set in the mountains and canyons of the West where she grew up and spent most of her working life. Pat worked in broadcast journalism on both coasts, the Midwest, and the Rocky Mountains. With roots to a Texas farm homesteaded in the 1850s, she’s returned to live within miles of the old farm.

Pat is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America.

Author Links
Website –

GoodReads –

Facebook –

Amazon –


December 2 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 3 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW

December 4 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 5 – Mysteries with Character – GUEST POST

December 5 – My Reading Journeys – CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 6 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 7 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 8 – Baroness” Book Trove – REVIEW

December 9 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 10 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, GUEST POST

December 10 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

December 11 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 12 – Diane Reviews Books – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 12 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

December 13 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 14 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

December 15 – Readeropolis – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Each year I use this time of the year to "count my blessing" and be thankful - for even the simple things in life. . . How about you?

I am thankful for my family - for my sisters and brother, my husband, his kids and our grandkids, my brother-in-law Zvi, my step-mother, my nephews and my cousins and their collective families. And, and of course, our three dogs - Sparky, Princess, and Bailey.

I am thankful for my friends - some of whom I see more frequently than others, some of whom I've know longer than others. Keeping in touch is definitely easier with social media. 

I am thankful for my health, for the health of those around me. I am thankful when I see our veterans and active military. I am thankful when someone does something nice for me or I see someone do something nice for someone else.

I am thankful for readers and other writers who have supported my writing efforts and provide motivation to keep writing. 

Each year, I say the same thing, and then forget. Maybe next year, I'll look at each day and identify something I am thankful for. 

For those of you who share this American tradition with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and green bean casserole...  I hope you, too, are having a great Thanksgiving with friends and family.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Review: DINNER AND A MURDER A Nikki Hunter Mystery #3 by Nancy Skopin


Dinner & A Murder is the third book in a mystery series featuring Nicoli "Nikki" Hunter, a Private Investigator specializing in covert bar and restaurant surveillance.

After surviving two attempts on her life, Nikki decides to do something normal for a change and attend her high school reunion. While there she becomes reacquainted with an old flame, Paul Marks, who is now an air traffic control supervisor. Nikki agrees to have lunch with Paul the following day, and over lunch she becomes convinced that something is terribly wrong. After a few beers and a little persuading, Paul confides that three controllers reporting to him have died in the last two months, under suspicious circumstances.

Nikki insists on looking into the deaths and, with the help of her former mentor, Sam Pettigrew, soon discovers that Paul himself is the target of a ruthless assassin. So much for normal. In an effort to save Paul, Nikki must, once again, put her own life on the line.


A compelling read, Nikki gets involved in what looks like a serial killer of Air Traffic Controllers when an old classmate asks for help. It may be coincidence, but then an attempt is made on Paul's life. This is fast moving with some POV of the killer mixed in with Nikki's own conflicts over commitment, her high school best friend's unhappy marriage and her quirky mentor, Sam Pettigrew. In  her between, Nicki is working covert bar and restaurant surveillance, eating and drinking in multiple places - what a job! 

Nikki is an unpretentious and likable character dealing with her own issues, including quitting smoking. This is the third in the series, but my first and it easily can be read as a stand-alone. That said, you still might want to start at the beginning of the series and keep going. Beware: This is not a cozy - adult language and some may find this offensive.

Murder on the Menu (#1)
Murder Over Cocktails (#2)
Murder a la Carte (#4)
Murder Served Hot (#5)
A Side Order of Murder (#6)
Murder Alfresco (#7)
Murder Served Cold (#8)
Murder Served Al Dente (#9)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blog Tour & Spotlight: COZY FOOD : 128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes Edited by Nancy Lynn Jarvis

A change of pace - happy cooking (and eating)!

Cozy Food: 128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes
Cozy Cookbook
Good Read Mysteries (May 15, 2014)
Number of Pages: 241 (167 of recipes, 70 of contributor bios and books)
ISBN-10: 0983589178
ISBN-13: 978-0983589174

What happens when 128 cozy mystery writers get together to do a cookbook? You get more than 220 recipes that are as varied and interesting as an amateur sleuth’s day job. 
Regional recipes come from every part of the United States and England — a couple find their way from Australia and Italy, too — and from diverse times. There are recipes from people looking to keep gluten out of their lives, eat vegetarian, or make a treat or two for their furry four-legged friends. And yes, there are recipes that appeal to the sweet tooth, lots of them, in fact.
There’s no mystery about what happens when cozy writers get together. They bring the wit, inventiveness, and adventure found in their books right along with their recipes.

The recipes are introduced by their authors and linked to the writer bios in the back of the book

You can look up your favorite cozy writer and see which recipes are their favorites; they'll tell you what the recipe means to them. Or you can enjoy a dish and then link to the recipe's author's biography and books.

Either way you enjoy the cookbook, you're sure to find great new recipes to make and terrific new cozy authors to read.

Contributing Authors: Sparkle Abbey, Ellery Adams, (aka J. B. Stanley, Jennifer Stanley) Judy Alter, Marian Allen, Ritter Ames, Donna Andrews, Traci Andrighetti, Amy Beth Arkawy, Mignon F. Ballard, Sandra Balzo, JoAnn Bassett, Cynthia Baxter, (aka Cynthia Blair) Jenna Bennett, (aka Jennie Bentley) Sally Berneathy, (aka Sally Carleen, Sally Steward, Sara Garrett) Maggie Bishop, Cindy Blackburn, Juliet Blackwell, Susan Furlong Bollinger, Sheila Webster Boneham, Laura Bradford, Frances Brody, Duffy Brown, Joyce Ann Brown, Mollie Bryan, B.B. Cantwell, Laurie Cass, (aka Laura Alden) Nancy J. Cohen, Shelley Costa, Judith Cutler, Rebecca (aka R.P.) Dahlke, Kathi Daley, Kathleen Delaney, Diana Dempsey, Pamela Frost Dennis, Lesley A. Diehl, Leighann Dobbs, Vicki Doudera, Pamela DuMond, Carola Dunn, Jean Erhardt, Chloe Evans, Monica Ferris, (aka Margaret Frazer, Mary Monica Pulver, Mary Kuhfeld) Judy Fitzwater, Chris Forman, Kaye George, Sally Goldenbaum, Barbara Graham, Sarah Graves, Carolyn Haines, (aka R.B. Chesterton) Vinnie Hansen, Traci Hilton, Sibel Hodge, Valerie Horowitz, Mary Ellen Hughes, Linda Joffe Hull, Ellen Elizabeth Hunter, Dawn Greenfield Ireland, Melanie Jackson, Holly Jacobs, Miranda James, (aka Dean James) Nancy Lynn Jarvis, Heather Justesen, Pamela Kelley, E.E. Kennedy, Mary Kennedy, Josi S. Kilpack, Kelly Klepfer, (aka Michelle Griep, Ellie Marks) Barbara Lee Cool, Marilyn Levinson, Liz Lipperman, Gail Lukasik, Elaine Macko, Sylvia Massara, Sonja Massie, (aka G.A. McKevett) Edith Maxwell, (aka Tace Baker) Lorena McCourtney, Marja McGraw, Eileen Haavik McIntire, Staci McLaughlin, Catriona McPherson, Camille Minichino, (aka Margaret Grace, Ada Madison) Marie Moore, Ruth Moose, Amy Myers, Tamar Myers, Christa Nardi, Radine Trees Nehring, Kerri Nelson, Clare O’Donohue, Diana Orgain, Joyce Oroz, Elaine L. Orr, Helen Osterman, Gail Oust, K.B. Owen, Sharon Pape, Nancy J. Parra, (aka Nancy J. Coco) Allison Cesario Paton, Joanne Pence, Maggie Pill, Ann Purser, Melissa Bourbon Ramirez, (aka Melissa Bourbon) Nanci Rathbun, Rosalee Richland, Becky Lyn Rickman, Karen Robbins, Carolyn J. Rose, Pamela Rose, Cindy Sample, June Shaw, Connie Shelton, Clea Simon, Joanna Campbell Slan, Karen Rose Smith, Lane Stone, Maria Grazia Swan, Denise Swanson, Marcia Talley, Nancy Jill Thames, Sharon Burch Toner, Elaine Viets, Lea Wait, Wendy Lyn Watson, (aka Annie Knox) Christine Wenger, Gayle Wigglesworth, Lois Winston, Joan H. Young, Suzanne Young

Editor Nancy Lynn Jarvis was a Santa Cruz, California, Realtor® for more than twenty years before she fell in love with writing and let her license lapse.

After earning a BA in behavioral science from San Jose State University, she worked in the advertising department of the San Jose Mercury News. A move to Santa Cruz meant a new job as a librarian and later a stint as the business manager for Shakespeare/Santa Cruz at UCSC.

Nancy’s work history reflects her philosophy: people should try something radically different every few years, a philosophy she applies to her writing, as well. She has written seven Regan McHenry Real Estate Mysteries; a stand-alone novel “Mags and the AARP Gang” about a group of octogenarian bank robbers; edited “Cozy Food: 128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes” and a short story anthology, “Santa Cruz Weird;” and even done a little insider’s book, “The Truth About Hosting Airbnb” about her first year as a host.

Her newest venture is “The Glass House” is the first book in a planned series of PIP Inc. Mysteries. Now she’s trying to figure out when to work on another series she’d love to do called “Geezers with Tools” about two older handymen who will solve mysteries in the course of doing their work, and setting up writer retreats at her house.

Editor Links

Website –

Facebook –

GoodReads –

Purchase – Amazon - Kindle - Amazon Paperback


November 13 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW, RECIPE POST

November 13 – LibriAmoriMiei - REVIEW

November 14 – Here's How It Happened - REVIEW

November 15 – Reading Authors Network – REVIEW, RECIPE POST

November 16 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW

November 17 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, RECIPE POST


November 18 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

November 19 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, INTERVIEW

November 19 – Sapphyria's Books – REVIEW

November 20 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW, RECIPE POST

November 21 – Reading Is My SuperPower – SPOTLIGHT

November 21 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – INTERVIEW

November 22 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 22 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – REVIEW, RECIPE POST

November 23 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 23 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT

November 24 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 25 – Ruff Drafts – REVIEW

November 26 – Baroness' Book Trove - REVIEW

November 26 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT

November 27 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Spotlight: A BAD HAIR DAY COOKBOOK Recipes from Nancy J. Cohen's Cozy Mystery Series

A Bad Hair Day Cookbook
Recipes from Nancy J. Cohen’s Cozy Mystery Series

Are you having a bad hair day? Whip out your whisk, snatch up your spoon, and prepare your palate. Inside the pages of this cookbook are recipes that will bring you good cheer.

Enjoy 160+ tasty recipes from Nancy J. Cohen’s popular Bad Hair Day cozy mystery series. Included in this cookbook are excerpts, cooking tips, and anecdotes written by hairstylist and savvy sleuth Marla Vail. From appetizers to desserts, Marla offers cooking tips and tricks along with commentary about the dishes she prepares for her family. Whether you’re a skilled cook or an eager novice, this cookbook will unravel the mystery of cooking. Put on your apron and plan to make some killer recipes!

Bonuses Include:

• Meet the Sleuth
• Introduction by Marla Vail
• Cooking Tips
• Excerpts from Series Titles
• Themed Menu Suggestions
• “A Sabbath Dinner” by Nancy’s Mother

Release Date: November 19, 2019
Digital ISBN: 978-0-9997932-4-4, Orange Grove Press, $4.99
Print ISBN: 978-0-9997932-5-1, Orange Grove Press, $15.99
Cover Design by Boulevard Photografica
Digital Layout by

“Being an empty nester for over a decade, I got out of the habit of cooking and my husband and I eat out all the time. Reading through this cookbook has revived my interest in getting back in the kitchen.” Rhonda Gilliland, Author and Editor of the Cooked to Death Series

“Mysteries and cookbooks belong side by side on readers’ shelves. After untimely death unleashes chaos in fiction, recipe rituals, meal routines, and dining etiquette offer a semblance of civility to restore balance. A Bad Hair Day Cookbook serves up both food and justice.” Christine A. Jackson, Ph.D., Author of Myth and Ritual in Women’s Detective Fiction

“Fans of Nancy Cohen’s prior books already know that her Bad Hair Day series of cozy mysteries are compelling reads, but A Bad Hair Day Cookbook offers something different in presenting recipes by ‘Marla Vail’, the fictional Florida hairstylist and salon owner whose exploits power Cohen’s Bad Hair Day series. These recipes are anything but fictional, however. They not only supplement the series with a fun nonfiction twist, but emphasize Nancy J. Cohen’s original creations (along with recipes from friends and family), designed for busy cooks who may not be out solving crimes, but whose time is equally challenged.” Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Review

Buy Links
Apple Books
BN Nook: 
Print Edition from Ingram Coming Soon!

Nancy J. Cohen writes the Bad Hair Day Mysteries featuring South Florida hairstylist Marla Vail. Titles in this series have been named Best Cozy Mystery by Suspense Magazine, won a Readers' Favorite Gold Medal, earned first place in the Chanticleer International Book Awards and third place in the Arizona Literary Awards, and finaled in the American Fiction Awards. Nancy’s instructional guide, Writing the Cozy Mystery, has been nominated for an Agatha Award and won a gold medal in the President’s Book Awards from Florida Authors and Publishers Association. A featured speaker at libraries, conferences, and community events, Nancy is listed in Contemporary Authors, Poets & Writers, and Who's Who in U.S. Writers, Editors, & Poets. When not busy writing, she enjoys cooking, fine dining, cruising, visiting Disney World, and shopping.

Contact Nancy at

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Book Review: LIARS AND LUNATICS IN GOOSE PIMPLE JUNCTION : A Goose Pimple Junction Mystery Book 5 by Amy Metz


It’s election season, and there’s a new candidate in town. Virgil Pepper is determined to take the job from Goose Pimple Junction’s long-time mayor. Virgil is a charming and charismatic candidate but someone who will say anything (and mean none of it) to get what he wants. Three things top his list: to become mayor, to acquire Jackson Wright’s land, and to make Caledonia Culpepper one of his many conquests.

Wynona Baxter is back, and she’s a new woman. Now Daisy has a new identity, new life, and new business–ironically named Killer Cupcakes. But the town soon finds out that isn’t the only kind of killer in town. Book five of the Goose Pimple Junction mystery series combines political hijinks, delicious cupcakes, Goose Juice moonshine, the ups and downs of finding true love, and, of course, murder.

It is said that “It’s a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.” Lying in politics, lying for personal and professional gain, lying about an identity . . . What are the folks of Goose Pimple Junction willing to lie for . . . and what are they willing to die for?


Anyone who enjoys small town politics and the personalities will enjoy this 5th in the Goose Pimple Junction series. Virgil Pepper is threatening the balance of years as he throws his name in for the upcoming mayoral election and woos Caledonia Culpepper. Only thanks to the town gossip, it becomes abundantly clear that Virgil isn't only wooing Caledonia but many others. Someone poisons the local moonshine and there's the new comer to town, Daisy Baker, and her delicious cupcakes - and not so pristine back story. Virgil is dead and there are many questions to be asked, and only some get answered. There is something for everyone in this very fun read.

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Blog Tour & Review: A LEGACY OF MURDER A Kate Hamilton Mystery by Connie Berry


American antique dealer Kate Hamilton's Christmastime jaunt to a charming English village leads to an investigation of a missing ruby...and a chain of murders.

It's Christmastime and antiques dealer Kate Hamilton is off to visit her daughter, Christine, in the quaint English village of Long Barston. Christine and her boyfriend, Tristan, work at stately-but-crumbling Finchley Hall. Touring the Elizabethan house and grounds, Kate is intrigued by the docent's tales of the Finchley Hoard, and the strange deaths surrounding the renowned treasure trove. But next to a small lake, Kate spies the body of a young woman, killed by a garden spade.

Nearly blind Lady Barbara, who lives at Finchley with her loyal butler, Mugg, persuades Kate to take over the murdered woman's work. Kate finds that a Burmese ruby has vanished from the legendary Blood-Red Ring, replaced by a lesser garnet. Were the theft and the woman's death connected?

Kate learns that Lady Barbara's son fled to Venezuela years before, suspected of murdering another young woman. The murder weapon belonged to an old gardener, who becomes the leading suspect. But is Lady Barbara's son back to kill again? When another body is found, the clues point toward Christine. It's up to Kate to clear her daughter's name in Connie Berry's second Kate Hamilton mystery, a treasure for fans of traditional British mysteries.


A holiday timed mystery, there are many interesting characters, some not so likable, though Kate Hamilton is trying her best to get along with all of them, and suspiciously missing information. The setting is quaint and rich with history. This is the 2nd murder of someone planning to showcase the history of the Finchley Hoard, and now Kate is asked to take over the chore. Nobody really wants to answer all her questions and Lady Barbara has limited vision and Mugg gives the impression of her frailty. Most of the staff have long gone, but Mugg orchestrates appearances to keep Lady Barbara in the dark. And then there's yet another murder, and Kate's daughter might be implicated. This drives a stake between Kate and her would be male friend, the policeman in charge of the investigation.

This is a great story for fans of British mystery, rich with description. Kate is very thorough and dedicated, often dealing with conflictual feelings, not all of them specific to the Finchley Hoard or the ruby.

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

About Connie Berry

Like her protagonist, Connie Berry was raised in the antiques trade. After teaching theology for twenty-five years, she took up writing mysteries featuring high-end antiques and the legacy of the past. Connie loves history, cute animals, travel with a hint of adventure, and all things British. She lives in Ohio with her husband and adorable dog, Millie.

Author Links: Website –


Twitter @conniecberry


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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Blog Tour and Review: THREE WIDOWS AND A CORPSE : A Food Blogger Mystery by Debra Sennefelder


Food blogger Hope Early finds one item not on her scavenger hunt list—a dead husband . . .

Between developing her food blog, Hope at Home, and choosing low-cal recipes for a feature in Cooking Now! magazine, Hope has a full plate. Still, she’s never too busy to compete in a Jefferson, Connecticut, tradition—the town’s annual scavenger hunt.

But as she races with her team to check off the next item, Hope discovers a grisly surprise—the body of shady real estate developer Lionel Whitcomb, shot in a parking lot. His wife Elaine, who’s also in the hunt, gasps and nearly faints. But two other women on the scene cry out that their husband is dead.

It turns out this louse of a spouse was more than a little lax in legally divorcing his former wives. Did one of them put a bullet in the bigamist? Number one suspect and number three wife Elaine begs Hope to investigate. Now Hope is on a new kind of hunt—for a cold-hearted killer and triple widow-maker . . .

Includes Recipes from Hope’s Kitchen!


Hope has a lot of things going on, from the opportunity to get back into a top foodie magazine, the network special she's developing recipes for, and her food blog that she has made successful. Add to that helping her sister recover from not being elected Mayor, her role in the annual scavenger hunt, and her own relationship. The dead husband was just one more thing. In between all of this, Hope is NOT investigating. 

The pace is steady and the intersections of characters across settings and how Hope is able to connect the dots is well done. And some of her creations definitely sound yummy. Those who enjoy cozy mysteries will not be disappointed - and you get recipes besides the killer!

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

About the Author

Debra Sennefelder, the author of the Food Blogger Mystery series and the Resale Boutique Mystery series, is an avid reader who reads across a range of genres, but mystery fiction is her obsession. Her interest in people and relationships is channeled into her novels against a backdrop of crime and mystery. When she’s not reading, she enjoys cooking and baking and as a former food blogger, she is constantly taking photographs of her food. Yeah, she’s that person.

Born and raised in New York City, she now lives and writes in Connecticut with her family. She’s worked in pre-hospital care, retail and publishing. Her writing companions are her adorable and slightly spoiled Shih-Tzus, Susie and Billy.

She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Women’s Fiction Writers Association and Romance Writers of America.

Author Links:


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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Blog Tour and Review: GALLIANO GOLD : Franki Amato Mysteries by Traci Andrighetti


It’s Mardi Gras season in New Orleans, but PI Franki Amato has too many problems to celebrate. A proven Sicilian lemon tradition hasn’t landed her a proposal, so her nonna has amped up the meddling to get her married, and pronto. Franki’s also under pressure to solve the strange murder of a family friend’s nephew, Nick Pescatore, who was found on a Mississippi River steamboat rumored to be haunted. When the sinister old boat sets sail on an overnight gambling cruise, Franki goes undercover with a motley crew, including a Mark Twainophile captain with a murderous past and a slimy galley chef with a mobster brother, not to mention an ex-stripper landlady with a newfound career as a memoir writer and all-too public speaker. Franki has to figure out what missing Civil War gold, a playing card, and a mysterious woman on roller skates have to do with Nick’s death. If she doesn’t, it’s anchors aweigh for Franki — down to Davy Jones’ locker.

No doubt about it, the characters make this story. Franki is dealing with lemons and no engagement with many doubts on that end when her nonna comes to visit and that's another whole ordeal, but why Franki is trying to solve Nick's murder, while ignoring that her nonna may beat her to the alter. Her mother, the rest of the Italian widows in mourning, the Twainophile, the ex-stripper, and the chef ... Then there's the rumored Galliano gold and the civil war stories. Enough to keep any reader engaged - and smiling, if not laughing. The pace is steady and it all comes together in the end. As with others in this series, a cozy mystery plus humor provides for a pleasant escape from everyday stress.

About Traci Andrighetti

Traci Andrighetti is the USA TODAY bestselling author of the Franki Amato Mysteries and the Danger Cove Hair Salon Mysteries. In her previous life, she was an award-winning literary translator and a Lecturer of Italian at the University of Texas at Austin, where she earned a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. But then she got wise and ditched that academic stuff for a life of crime — writing, that is. Her latest capers are teaching mystery writing for Savvy Authors and taking aspiring and established authors on intensive writing retreats to Italy with LemonLit.

Author Links 





Amazon Author page:

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Blog Tour and Review: THE ROOT OF MURDER (Lovers in Crime Mystery Book 4) by Lauren Carr

Praise for Lauren Carr’s Mysteries:
“Lauren Carr could give Agatha Christie a run for her money!” -Charlene Mabie-Gamble, Literary R&R

As always, Lauren Carr brings an action-packed story that is almost impossible to put down. Her mystery plots have so many twists and turns that I didn’t know if I was coming or going. And the action just didn’t stop from the very beginning till the very end.” - Melina Mason, Melina’s Book Reviews

Book Details:

Content Rating: PG-13 (Lauren Carr's books are murder mysteries, so there are murders involved. Occasionally, a murder will happen on stage. There is sexual content, but always behind closed doors. Some mild swearing (a hell or a damn few and far between). No F-bombs!

Book Description:

Homicide Detective Cameron Gates learned long ago that there is no such thing as a typical murder case. Each mystery is special in its own right—especially for the family of the victim.The homicide of a successful executive, husband, and father seems open and shut when the murder weapon is found in his estranged son-in-law’s possession. The circumstantial evidence is so damning that when her step-son, J.J. Thornton, agrees to act as the defendant’s public defender, he assumes his first murder case will be a loss. Only the report of a missing husband proves that this case is not as open and shut as it seems. Strap on your seat belts for a wild ride in this mystery rooted in decades of deception that sprouts into murder.


The Gates and Thornton families are in for a wild ride with this one. Detectives and lawyers abound in the family tree from the eldest Thornton on down. And in the smallish town of Homicide Detective Cameron Gates, she and the rest of the Thornton family have history with most of the inhabitants, including the victim and the first person they think is the killer. Needless to say, this causes a lot of tension all around. 

When JJ is asked to defend the estranged son-in-law, he has mixed feelings. He believes in truth and the right for everyone to a defense - only he has negative history with the man from high school. The complications mount as JJ dated the daughter of the deceased in high school and now is engaged to someone else. His dating history becomes even more of an issue as other facts come out.

The pace is good and the tension is maintained or mounts throughout. This is a traditional mystery fraught with interpersonal conflicts. It can be read as a stand alone - the family relationships are sketched out for those not family with the Thorntons and the Faradays. As usual, Carr crafted an excellent mystery with unique dimensions and twists.

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in 
any way.
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Fall in Love with These Other Lovers in Crime Mysteries:

Book Description: KILLER IN THE BAND

Summer of Love & Murder

Joshua’s eldest son, Joshua “J.J.” Thornton Jr., has graduated at the top of his class from law school and returns home to spend the summer studying for the bar exam. However, to Joshua’s and Cameron’s shock and dismay, J.J. moves into the main house at Russell Ridge Farm, the largest dairy farm in the Ohio Valley, to rekindle a romance with Suellen Russell, a onetime leader of a rock group who’s twice his age. Quickly, they learn that she has been keeping a deep dark secret.

The move brings long-buried tensions between the father and son to the surface. But when a brutal killer strikes, the Lovers in Crime must set all differences aside to solve the crime before J.J. ends up in the crosshairs of a murderer.
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Book Description: REAL MURDER

When Homicide Detective Cameron Gates befriends Dolly,
 the little old lady who lives across the street, she is warned not to get lured into helping the elderly woman by investigating the unsolved murder of one of her girls. “She’s senile,” Cameron is warned. “It’s not a real murder.”

Such is not the case. After Dolly is brutally murdered, Cameron discovers that the sweet blue-haired lady’s “girl” was a call girl, who had been killed in a mysterious double homicide.

Meanwhile, Prosecuting Attorney Joshua Thornton is looking for answers to the murder of a childhood friend, a sheriff's deputy whose cruiser is found at the bottom of a lake. The deputy had disappeared almost twenty years ago while privately investigating the murder of a local prostitute.

It doesn’t take long for the Lovers in Crime to put their cases together to reveal a long-kept secret that some believe is worth killing to keep undercover.

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Book Description: DEAD ON ICE

Dead on Ice is the first installment of Lauren Carr’s new series (Lovers in Crime) featuring Hancock County Prosecuting Attorney Joshua Thornton and Pennsylvania State Police homicide detective Cameron Gates. 

Spunky Cameron Gates is tasked with solving the murder of Cherry Pickens, a legendary star of pornographic films, whose body turns up in an abandoned freezer. The case has a personal connection to her lover, Joshua Thornton, because the freezer was located in his cousin’s basement. It doesn’t take long for their investigation to reveal that the risqué star’s roots were buried in their rural Ohio Valley community, something that Cherry had kept off her show business bio. She should have kept her hometown off her road map, too—because when this starlet came running home from the mob, it proved to be a fatal homecoming.
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Meet the author:
With over forty years of writing and publishing experience, international best-selling author Lauren Carr has played an active role in the revolution of independent authors.

While studying for her college degree in English and journalism, Lauren worked as an editor and layout design artist with the federal government in Washington, DC. It was there that Lauren learned the foundations necessary for book publishing.

Lauren’s debut mystery, A Small Case of Murder was a finalist for the Independent Publisher Book Awards. On the heels of that success, she accepted an offer from a traditional publisher for A Reunion to Die For.

When it came time to publish her third book, Lauren rejected offers from two traditional publishers, choosing instead to independently publish It’s Murder, My Son, which made it to #1 in sales on Amazon in cozy mysteries. She has never regretted her decision to become an independent author.

Realizing that she could use her experiences to help other writers achieve their dreams to become published authors, Lauren established Acorn Book Services, offering professional services to independent authors.

The international best-selling author of over twenty-five murder mysteries, Lauren has gone on dozens of virtual blog tours (most with iRead Book Tours!) and has seen first-hand that how an author publishes is irrelevant to success. The key is exposure to potential readers. Virtual blog tours are an excellent avenue for book promotion. Book spotlights, reviews, author guest posts and interviews are forever, unlike in-person book events, which become a memory as soon as they have finished.

With her vast experience, it seemed only natural for Lauren Carr to jump at the opportunity to join the iReads Book Tours team. She lives with her husband, and two spoiled rotten German shepherds on a mountain in West Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.

You can usually find Lauren plotting her next murder mystery in her writer's studio on her mountaintop. Visit Lauren's website to learn more about her murder mysteries, Acorn Book Services, and now iReads Book Tours!

Connect with the author:

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Sept 9 -  Rockin Book Reviews - review of The Root of Murder / guest post / 
  Lovers in Crime series spotlight / giveaway
Sept 9 - Working Mommy Journal - review The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 9 - Amy's Booket List - review The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 10 - The Quirky Romantic - review of The Root of Murder / author interview / giveaway
Sept 10 - Hall Ways Blog - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 10 - Life as Leels - review of Dead on Ice
Sept 11 - Literary Flits - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 11 - My Reading Journeys - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Sept 12 - Elizabeth McKenna - Author - book spotlight / giveaway
Sept 12 -  A Fountain of Books - review of Dead on Ice 
Sept 12 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Killer in the Band (audible) / giveaway
Sept 13 - Words and Peace - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Sept 16 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Sept 16 - Working Mommy Journal - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 16 - Amy’s Booket List - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Sept 17 - Hall Ways Blog - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 17 -  Laura’s Interests - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Sept 18 - Literary Flits - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway 
Sept 18 - Read and Review - book spotlight / guest post
Sept 18 - Sefina Hawke's Books - review of The Root of Murder / series spotlight
Sept 19 - #Redhead.with.Book - Lovers in Crime Series book spotlight / giveaway
Sept 19 - Life as Leels - review of Real Murder
Sept 20 - Locks, Hooks, and Books - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Sept 20 - Nighttime Reading Center - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 23 - Amy’s Booket List - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 23 - Christa Reads and Writes - review of The Root of Murder / series spotlight / giveaway
Sept 24 - Fundinmental - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 24  A Fountain of Books - review of The Real Murder 
Sept 25 - Library of Clean Reads - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 25  Laura’s Interests - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 26 - FUONLYKNEW - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Sept 26 - Mystery Suspense Reviews - review of The Root of Murder / guest post 
Sept 27 - Locks, Hooks, and Books - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 30 - Amy’s Booket List - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Sept 30 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Sept 30 - Life as Leels - review of The Root of Murder
Sept 30 - 
Older & Smarter? - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 1 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Oct 1 - Dab of Darkness - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Oct 2 - Literary Flits - review of Real Murder
Oct 3 - Books for Books - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Oct 3 -  My Reading Journeys - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Oct 4 - Locks, Hooks, and Books - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Oct 7 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Oct 8 -  A Fountain of Books - review of Killer in the Band 
Oct 9 - I’m All About Books - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Oct 9 - Kristin’s Novel Cafe - review of The Root of Murder
Oct 10 - Books for Books - review of Real Murder  / giveaway
Oct 10 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Oct 10 - Locks, Hooks, and Books - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 11 - Pause for Tales - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 14 - Celtic Lady’s Reviews - Lovers in Crime series spotlight / giveaway
Oct 14 -  My Reading Journeys - review of The Root of Murder / guest post / giveaway
Oct 15 - Dab of Darkness - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Oct 15 - Bound 4 Escape - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 16 - A Fountain of Books - review of The Root of Murder / author interview 
Oct 17 - Books for Books - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Oct 18 - B for Bookreview - Lovers in Crime series book spotlight / author interview
Oct 21- 
Nighttime Reading Center - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 21 - Laura’s Interests - review of The Root of Murder / guest post / giveaway
Oct 22 - Dab of Darkness - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 22 - Books Are Love - review of Dead on Ice / giveaway
Oct 23 - Books Are Love - review of Real Murder / giveaway
Oct 23 - Books for Books - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 24 - JBronder Book Reviews - review of The Root of Murder / series spotlight / giveaway
Oct 24 - Books Are Love - review of Killer in the Band / giveaway
Oct 25 - Jypsylynn  - review of The Root of Murder
Oct 25 - Adventurous Jessy - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 25 - Books Are Love - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway
Oct 25 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of The Root of Murder / giveaway