Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Review: CREAM CARAMEL AND MURDER (Holly Holmes Cozy Clinary Mystery Series Book 2) by K. E. O'Connor

About the Book:

With its stunning turrets and beautiful rose gardens, I always thought Audley Castle was perfect, set in the idyllic English village of Audley St. Mary. It’s a place I love to call home. But behind the trimmed hedgerows, stately gardens, and birdsong, a killer is waiting… 

After being forced to close my charming cafĂ© in this quaint little village, I'm thrilled to get a job in the Audley Castle kitchens, making divine treats for visitors and serving the Audley family who live in the castle. 

The joy fades when I take my beloved dog for a walk, and he leads us to the body of a family friend, Kendal Jakes. Seemingly caught in the act of tampering with evidence by the castle’s security team, I become the number one murder suspect! It’ll take more than my skills with a piping bag to solve this crisis. 

As fingers get pointed at me, I have no choice but to take matters into my flour-covered hands and clear my name. As I snoop, I discover old rivalry, jealousy, and long-standing grudges. 

Having mastered the art of creating a perfectly fluffy souffle, I’m known for my determination to get things right, and I won’t rest until I uncover the truth about this murder. Even if doing so puts me in the killer’s line of sight. 


The castle setting is superb and Holly is not only a great pastry chef, but a wonderful, if somewhat naive main character. Her cafe closed, she takes a job at the castle and makes friends with Lady Alice and Lord Rupert. When one of Rupert's visiting friends is killed, Holly is cast as the killer and they rally behind her while she continues sleuthing - despite the admonitions of the head of security. The memorial garden is very inviting. 

The primary characters are well-developed and hard to forget. The pace is steady and the ending is somewhat of a surprise. Throughout the book, Holly is baking sweets and trying to fix an old bread recipe. They all sounded delicious! With vivid descriptions and hints of romance amidst the murder investigation, this one has the hallmarks of a cozy mystery.

About K E O'Connor 

K.E. O'Connor is the author of the Witch Haven mystery series, the Crypt Witch cozy mysteries, the Lorna Shadow ghost mysteries, the Holly Holmes baking mysteries, the Zee Town paranormal cozy series, and the Old Sarum mystery series, along with other titles available if you cast the right spell. She can imagine dragons, taste cookies when they aren't even there, and hear the crack of a witch's broom at a hundred paces. 

K.E. (the K stands for Karen) lives in the United Kingdom (it isn't very united, but that's a mystery for another time) among the mystical stones and fairy creatures of Somerset. She graduated from the Universities of Southampton and Reading, where she received degrees in Archaeology and Cognitive Evolution (both highly entertaining to take part in, but with the career options of a ground witch's toe bone.) This is the second in the series but easily read as a stand-alone. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Book Showcase: THE BLUFF by Bonnie Traymore


The Bluff by Bonnie Traymore

“What do you have to lose, Kate?” Ryan asked me, as we stood on the bluff looking out on Lake Michigan.

Turns out, almost everything.

When I first moved from Manhattan to this small town six years ago, I worried about many things. I worried about finding a job. I worried that I’d be bored. I worried that my relationship with charming photographer Ryan Breslow was moving too fast. But I never worried about whether the ground beneath my feet would crumble—both literally and figuratively.

My marriage didn’t go as I’d imagined. A year ago, Ryan met his untimely death in a car accident that’s still under investigation. Isolated and alone, all I wanted was to sell my home and leave Crest Lake and its painful memories behind.

But with my home inching ever closer to the edge of the crumbling bluff, the property has become unmarketable. All of us on the lakefront have lost chunks of property, and tempers are at a boiling point about what to do next.

And now, on the evening of a contentious vote about how to fix this pressing issue, my nemesis on the shoreline committee has been murdered. I know how it looks, but it’s not what it seems. But I have to get my plan passed and cash out.

Because I do have secrets.

And they won’t stay buried forever.

Praise for THE BLUFF:

"With a slow-burn intensity that explodes into a jaw-dropping finale, this psychological thriller is both bingeworthy and delicious. Traymore is a master of layered tension, and she left me guessing until the last page."
~ Noelle W. Ihli, #1 bestselling author of Gray After Dark

"With its high-stakes plot and complex characters, the novel is a masterclass in building tension and intrigue."
~ NetGalley

"Gripping and full of surprises, The Bluff is a clever psychological suspense with layered characters and an atmospheric setting. Traymore masterfully ratchets up the tension little-by-little until the shocking, explosive end."
~ Tracey Devlyn, USA Today bestselling author

"This was a slow burn psychological suspense that heated up to a twisty, thrilling finale. A domestic thriller with a timely topic in the background. Great setting. Highly recommended."
~ NetGalley

Book Details:
Genre: Domestic Thriller, Psychological Thriller
Published by: Self/ Pathways Publishing imprint
Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Number of Pages: 277
PRINT ISBN: 979-8218417543

Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


Doug Mitchell takes in the shoreline of Lake Michigan, letting his Sundancer drift around in the currents. The sight of his house high atop the bluff reminds him of what’s at stake. The vote is tonight, and it’s sure to be a doozy of an evening. There’s a cool wind whipping up what little sand remains on the shrinking beach, and he can see the bare patch of earth where the southern stairs collapsed two years ago. But he feels safe and warm on the deck with the soon-to-be-setting sun still overhead, beaming down on him.

It’s not the same shoreline it was decades ago, but then the world is an ever-changing place. He knows this, although he doesn’t let on about it to most people. Right now, his mind is drifting to another place, and he feels a delightful stirring. He pictures the curve of her back. Her slender, graceful neck. The look on her face when he makes her moan. He takes another sip of his cocktail, closes his eyes, and sinks into it.

After a few minutes, a different kind of feeling washes over him. He’s dizzy. And tired. Way too tired. He’s barely had one drink. He opens his eyes, and the world appears blurry. He feels clumsy. Almost immobile. Shaking his head, he tries to snap out of it, but everything’s…




He came out here alone, he thought, although he didn’t check the cabin before leaving the dock. A figure is standing on the deck now, too far away from him to make out who it is. It’s someone, though, and even with his mind dulled, he knows this isn’t good.

Seized with panic, he struggles to pull himself out of the quagmire. Finding a last burst of strength, he attempts to spring up and go on the offensive, but his legs are like rubber. His body rocks forward a bit, accomplishing nothing.

He sinks back into oblivion as the figure approaches.




I arrive five minutes late, breathless from my run in from the parking lot. The proceedings haven’t started yet. I rush in, whip off my scarf and coat, and take a seat.

Just in time.

The stage is set for a contentious evening. Tonight, the town council will vote on the pressing issue of the failing bluff. I head up the shoreline committee, and I’ve been invited here this evening to present my plan, one of two the board will consider.

“Hi Kate,” the board member next to me says. “Glad you made it.”

She gives my shoulder a squeeze, confirming that I’ve got her vote.

“Of course,” I say. “Sorry I’m late.”

A tingling sensation creeps up my spine, and a feeling of dread squeezes my stomach like a vise. Perhaps it’s the weather. It’s early fall, but it may as well be the dead of winter. It’s bitter cold and gray, with intermittent downpours. The howling wind whipping off Lake Michigan has been keeping me up at night. It’s the same kind of weather we were having when my husband met his untimely death a year ago, which is likely stirring up some buried feelings. A widow at forty-one. Not the way I expected my life to go when I moved here six years ago.

“The meeting of the Crest Lake Township board of directors is now in session,” the president proclaims, banging his gavel with the countenance of a man desperate for power and relevance. Sam Bolger’s his name.

Sam takes role, and it’s lost on nobody that Doug Mitchell is absent. I fiddle with a strand of hair, twirling it between my fingers. It looks darker in this light, almost auburn. My eyes search the room, and hushed tones fill the silence as people whisper to each other.

Where the hell is Doug?

Are we really going to start without him?

I hope he’s okay.

His allies look concerned, naturally, but even his opponents seem troubled, although that could be an act. It would be unacceptable to show their glee, in the event they were feeling it. But I’m not feeling smug or excited or victorious. I’m feeling nervous. Doug is scheduled to present the opposing plan, and there’s no way he would miss this meeting.

Tempers have been flaring over the issue of what to do about the eroding bluff. The police had to be called during the last public hearing. And there have even been a few death threats, anonymous posts that most of us brushed off.

Silly, really. We’re all on the same team, trying to fight mother nature. Desperate to give ourselves the illusion of control. Struggling to keep our large, lakefront luxury homes from plummeting onto the shrinking shoreline that hugs the massive body of water eighty feet below the fragile bluff.

On some level, we all know that whatever we do will only be a stop-gap in the big picture of geological time, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s what’s making people so angry. Humanity’s stubborn insistence that we can bend the planet to our will. Because it’s obvious that we can’t, and perhaps it’s easier to blame each other than to face the realization that humans are at the mercy of forces we don’t really understand and can no longer control.

The president seems to be stalling, fumbling with his computer as he tries to pull up the agenda and project it onto the TV screen. The board member to my right shares a theory with me. Perhaps Doug’s pulling a stunt for dramatic effect, she whispers in my ear. Maybe the president’s in on it—he’s on Doug’s side—and Doug will come bursting in at the last minute, waving some new study in his hands. But after a few moments, it’s clear to everyone that’s not going to happen.

Sam tables the vote for the time being and moves on to other issues. The board gets to work. There are a handful of mundane items on the agenda aside from the one that matters to me. What to do about the shoreline. I wait patiently as the board members work through other business, waiting for Doug’s arrival. He’s a board member and I’m not, and I’m surprised that they didn’t ask me to sit outside.

I wonder what will happen if he doesn’t show. Will they postpone the vote, or will it go my way by default, with my proposal the only option? Item after item is addressed, and I can feel my pulse starting to race as they tick them off.

Parcel tax proposal.

New library budget.

Changes to the vacation rental rules.

My stomach is in knots. Because if the vote goes my way, it will be a Pyrrhic victory, inflicting massive economic consequences on my lake front neighbors. Doug’s plan to simply shore up the bluff at the toe, the spot where the waves hit and wear it down, is the simple one. The less expensive one. But it’s got the environmental groups up in arms. They’ve grown increasingly vocal over the last few years.

The environmentalists want to force the removal of all existing seawalls, like the one Doug Mitchell installed in front of his home, and ban all such structures. Let nature take its course. Force lakefront owners to move back their homes or demolish them if they are in danger of falling off the bluff. But none of them are on the shoreline committee, and none are on the board. And they’ll be upset whichever way it goes tonight.

My plan is a compromise of sorts. But if I win, there will be consequences. Expensive ones that will dramatically reduce some people’s property values and limit beach access for everyone. And lots of visceral anger, much of it directed at me, especially from my wealthy lakefront neighbors who will absorb most of the cost. Several million dollars, split between ten of us. Sweat beads form at my temples as the minutes tick along to the rhythm of the cheap wall clock mounted above my seat.

Why do they keep it so hot in here?

The council meets at the town center, a small, institutional structure that used to serve as a middle school. The chairs are small and uncomfortable. I sit up and twist from side to side, trying to stop my lower back from cramping up. After an hour or so, there’s nothing left on the agenda but the bluff, and I’m wondering if they’ll postpone my presentation and the vote.

A knock at the door startles us.

Police, a voice calls out.

The door opens, and a young officer enters tentatively, crouching his way into the room. It’s a tight community, and he’s likely a bit intimidated. We’re a powerful bunch. If he ran into one of us around town, I imagine he’d be deferential. But this isn’t a coffee shop or a grocery store, and this isn’t a social call.

After a moment, he straightens up, and his face registers the requisite look of authority. “Doug Michell’s been reported missing,” he says. “He went out on his boat earlier today and never returned. The Coast Guard is conducting a search.”

My stomach sinks, and gasps echo around the room. We all sit with the shocking news for a few moments as the officer bites his lower lip.

He continues. “We’re going to need to interview all of you. Detective Whittaker is on his way. Please stay seated and be patient.”

And with that, the vote is delayed.


Travis Whittaker leans back in his chair, eyeing me. I can see tension lines in the detective’s forehead. He seems to have aged since I last saw him, although his thick, dark head of hair reveals few strands of gray. It’s his eyes. They look heavy and full, like the weight of the world sits behind them.

He’s been working his way through the group, and I’m second-to-last. It would have been better to get it over with. Waiting around only increased the tension. Nobody really knew what to say to each other, so there was nothing but awkward silence filling the space between us as we stood in the hallway waiting for our turns to go in and be interviewed.

“So, Ms. Breslow. You arrived five minutes late,” he says.

“I just said that,” I reply, immediately regretting my sharp tone.

The detective’s nostrils flare, ever so slightly. He’s an attractive man for his age—early fifties or so—with a neatly trimmed beard and dark, haunting eyes. Right now, though, he looks menacing.

“Yes. I was about five minutes late,” I say, in a softer tone. My throat feels as if it’s about to close.

He narrows his eyes on me and I look away. I catch myself absent-mindedly stroking my neck and stop myself, placing my hands on the table top.

This feels all too familiar.

“And why were you late?”

“The rain,” I offer. “It got heavy when I was driving down Lakeside.” I tap my fingers on the table top as I search for something to add. “I had to drive more slowly.”

He nods and jots something down on his notepad. Almost everyone at the meeting had to drive down that road in the rain. It’s not a very good excuse, but it’s all I can give him.

“Did Doug Mitchell give you any indication that he was planning to miss the meeting tonight?” he asks.

“No, not at all,” I say. “We were all shocked when he didn’t show up tonight.”

“Have you heard from him today?” he asks.

I shake my head no.

“When’s the last time you had any contact with him?” he asks.

I look off to the side, struggling to keep myself focused and calm. I turn back to him. “In person?” I ask.

“In general,” Whittaker replies.

“We’ve been on the same email and text chain over the last week or so. Exchanging information, in anticipation of the vote.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

I swallow. He’s already seen our text stream, I assume. “Yesterday. Around seven in the evening.”

“Was that an email or a text?”

“It was a text.”

“And what did it say?”

I pull up my phone, hold it in my palm, and let him read the exchange. His eyes rest on my last line to Doug Mitchell.

If you do that, I’ll bury you.

It would have been less stressful for me if Whittaker’s face had registered some kind of surprise. Instead, he closes his notepad and puts his pen down. I struggle to keep a neutral look on my face. Then he informs me that I can leave and asks me to send in the next board member.

I start for the door but then turn back to him. “In paperwork,” I offer. “I meant I’d bury him in paperwork.” Then I turn away again and continue to the door.

“Don’t leave town,” he calls out. “We’re sure to have more questions as the investigation develops.”

I nod and keep walking.


As my car winds up the dark, curvy road to my lakefront home, I struggle to steady my shaking hands. This night already had me on edge, and I can feel my pulse racing as I reach the bend in the road, near the top. The part where the drop-off is the steepest. They replaced the guardrail with another one that looks exactly the same.

What was the point of that?

Sometimes I can ignore it and drive right past. On sunny days, when the sky is bright and the birds chirp and all is well in the universe. It looks so different in the daylight. But tonight is foggy and foreboding, and I drive slowly. So slowly, I’d probably get a ticket if an officer was behind me. I don’t look to my right though, because then I have to picture it, and imagine the look of terror on his face as he plunged through the rail and over the side.

What was he thinking?

Or was he not thinking at all?

Did he scream?

Or was there no time?

A chill runs up my spine as I turn carefully around the bend and breathe a sigh of relief. Sometimes, I get a sensation that he’s in the car with me, and I can almost feel his breath on my neck. And now Doug’s missing, and I have no idea what to do next or what this means for me and my shoreline plan. All I know is I have to sell my house get out of this town, before I lose my mind.

Or worse.


Excerpt from The Bluff by Bonnie Traymore. Copyright 2024 by Bonnie Traymore. Reproduced with permission from Bonnie Traymore. All rights reserved.

 Author Bio:

Bonnie Traymore

Bonnie Traymore is the Amazon International Bestselling author of six domestic/psychological thrillers. Her "popcorn thrillers" feature strong but relatable female protagonists who peel back the layers of suburban American life and give readers a peek inside. The plots explore difficult topics such as jealousy, infidelity, murder, and the impact of psychological disorders, but she also includes bits of romance and humor to lighten the mood from time to time. She's an active status member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America.

Catch Up With Bonnie Traymore:
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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Book Review: IT BEGAN WITH A LIE (Redemption #1) by Michele Pariza Wacek

A bit of romantic suspense this time...

About the Book

All Becca wanted was a fresh start. That wasn’t what she got.

Becca was sure the move from New York to Redemption, Wisconsin was exactly what her troubled family needed. A way to get her crumbling marriage back on track, and to bond with her difficult 16-year-old stepdaughter. 

But instead of a new beginning, Becca is thrust into a mysterious past she barely remembers. A past that includes the complications of interacting with her old teenage crush, Daniel, as well as living in her aunt's old house. 

A house with a violent past. A house the locals swear is haunted. But there's no such thing as ghosts. Right? 

So, could there be something even more sinister out to destroy them? 

And can Becca discover the truth before it’s too late? 


Becca, now Rebecca, moves back to Redemption 15 years after she almost died and a friend disappeared. Why? Because her husband tells her his law firm is in trouble and money is tight. She inherited the house she spent time in as a teen with her grandmother. Moving there will help them save money while he fixes things. Only she doesn't have any memory of that night and the house is haunted. Everyone knows that. And strange things are happening. 

The story is well-crafted and well-written. Rebecca, the wife of a talented attorney and new step-mom, shaped by her parents to not be the Becca that almost died is dealing with memories coming back - and things moved around, not where she left them. Thankfully, her friends Mia, Daphne, and Daniel are there to support her. Yes, I guessed at what might be happening, but not how it would all play out. The more I read, the more I had to finish reading this book. 

About Michele PW (Pariza Wacek):

A USA Today Bestselling, award-winning author, Michele taught herself to read at 3 years old because she wanted to write stories so badly. It took some time (and some detours) but she does spend much of her time writing stories now. Mystery stories, to be exact. They're clean and twisty, and range from psychological thrillers to cozies, with a dash of romance and supernatural thrown into the mix. If that wasn't enough, she posts lots of fun things on her blog, including short stories, puzzles, recipes and more, at MPWNovels.com.

Michele grew up in Wisconsin, (hence why all her books take place there), and still visits regularly, but she herself escaped the cold and now lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband and southern squirrel hunter Cassie. When she's not writing, she's usually reading, hanging out with her dog, or watching the Food Network and imagining she's an awesome cook. (Spoiler alert, she's not. Luckily for the whole family, Mr. PW is in charge of the cooking.)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Book Review: KNIFED IN NICE (A Travel P.I. Mystery Book 1) by Zara Keane

About the Book (from Amazon) 

“I hadn’t planned on a trip to the French Riviera, but then, I hadn’t planned on shooting a London crime lord in his well-padded derrière.” 

Meet Angel Doyle, a semi-reformed thief and accidental P.I. During an unfortunate incident at her first legit job in years, Angel fires a ketamine dart into one of London’s most notorious gangsters. Now she’s in disguise and on the run. With a bunch of thugs on her tail, she embarks on a mad chase across France, determined to stay one step ahead of the villains. 

At least, that was the plan. 

The moment out-of-work actor Sidney Foggington-Smythe sits next to her on the train to Paris, Angel has no idea she’s just met the second half of their crime-solving duo. How can a fashion-obsessed posh boy be anything but a hindrance? When fate forces the two twenty-somethings into the same stolen Mercedes, Angel is hampered by an unwanted sidekick, a kidnapped cat, and a corpse with a tendency to pull a Houdini. Now Angel and Sidney are in a race against time to reach Nice, find the killer, and clear their names before their next destination is the morgue.  

Book Review 

All Angel wanted to do was get as far away from mob boss Monty and leave London for France. Only she needs the passport she left behind. She steals a suitcase on the train with a passport and a disguise. She makes it on the plane and meets Sidney, a wannabe actor. Angel is not the social type, but Sidney is. He follows her off the plane, where two thugs accost her and Sidney decides to tag along.

Murphy's Law doesn't hold a candle to all the wrong turns and unexpected twists Angel and Sidney run into. Angel has spunk, speaks her mind, and yes, she's a thief, but also a responsible one - hence they end up with a very ornery cat and no clue who the owner is. One thing after another, Sidney ad-libbing and surprising even Angel. 

This was a fun read, filled with action, and well-written. Definitely a great start to a series by Keane. Plus, at least as of this writing, it was FREE! It will be fun to see how Angel and Sidney fare as they try to become PI's.

The Travel P.I. Series

Knifed in Nice Book 1
Ambushed in the Alps Book 2
Murder in Monterosso

About the Author 

USA Today bestselling author Zara Keane grew up in Dublin, Ireland, but spent her summers in a small town very similar to the fictitious Whisper Island and Ballybeg. She currently lives in Switzerland with her family. When she’s not writing, Zara loves knitting, running, unplugged gaming, and adding to her insanely large lipstick collection. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Book Review: APPLE DUMPLING MURDER (Paranormal Cozy Mystery - Christmas Catastrophe Mysteries Book 2) by Trixie Silvertale

About the Book

Santa’s daughter is settling into her life as a baker, but could a fresh murder burn her biscuits? 

Cindy Claus loves exploring the human world and baking amazing treats. So, she’s bubbling over when her aging landlord takes her under his wing and promises to leave her the bakery in his will. But before she can stir up a celebration, her patron collapses, dead, like a bad soufflĂ©. 

With suspicion instantly falling on the budding baker, Cindy must rely on her fragile new friendships and her father’s trusted arctic fox. She’ll have to butt heads with local law enforcement as she gathers crumbs, and one wrong move could crush her dreams… 

Can Cindy find the proof she needs, or will this villain punch down her last hope? 

Apple Dumpling Murder is the second book in the festive paranormal cozy series, Christmas Catastrophe Mysteries. 


Cindy Claus convinced her papa to let her leave the North Pole and try her hand at opening a bakery. She landed in Silver Shoals as the baker in town, Connie, dies. Her husband not only lets Cindy take over the bakery but shares Connie's wonderful recipes. He announces that he's changing his will and giving the building to Cindy, and then he's killed.

Cindy is all sweetness and light, not enlightened to many earthy things like funerals and kissing, though she has a strong sense of who is naughty and who is nice. She's helped the local police in the past, and Kevin is more than interested in getting her insights. At the same time, her fur friend, Arti, is her protector and a fierce one at that. 

The characters are well developed and though Cindy keeps slipping up, no one seems the wiser, not even Kevin or Jasmine. Connie's ghost makes an appearance and of course the killer wants to stop Cindy's dreams. Lots of festive ongoings, this is a cute mystery for the holidays, even better if you like paranormal elements - good and bad - in your mysteries. 

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way. 

Purchase Links 

About the Author 

USA TODAY Bestselling author Trixie Silvertale grew up reading an endless supply of Lilian Jackson Braun, Hardy Boys, and Nancy Drew novels. She loves the amateur sleuths in cozy mysteries and obsesses about all things paranormal. 

Those two passions unite in all her mystery stories, and she’s thrilled to write them and share them with you. 

Author Links 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Book Review: UNTIL DEPTHS DO US PART (Cruising Sisters Mystery Book 1) by K B Jackson


Sudden riches lead to a world of trouble… 

Newly widowed Charlotte McLaughlin is adrift following the sudden death of her husband of twenty years and the shocking discovery of the lavish double life he’d lived while purportedly traveling for business. 

When Charlotte’s only nephew and his fiancĂ©e are notified that their secluded wedding venue has flooded, her sister Jane suggests an alternative venue: a Thanksgiving week cruise from Seattle to Alaska aboard the private residence ship where Charlotte’s husband had purchased a two-bedroom unit without her knowledge. 

What better way to get closer with her family and banish the memories Charlotte can’t bear to touch now? 

But the bride is found dead less than twenty-four hours after departure, and the head of security holds the groom on suspicion of her murder. Charlotte and Jane must figure out who is responsible for the murder before their nephew goes to jail for a crime they’re adamant he couldn’t have committed. Then a second victim is discovered, and Charlotte becomes even more certain there’s a killer on the guest list. 


Charlotte and Jane embark on this voyage with mixed feelings - especially Charlotte, who now knows her husband bought the suite for him and his floozy - who wants the suite for herself. Similarly, though they love their nephew, they both have mixed feelings about his bride-to-be, and some of the other guests. When the bride-to-be is killed, Charlotte and Jane begin sleuthing, often butting heads with the cruiseline security team.

The story is filled with conflict and tension even before the first murder. The cast of characters include a range of personalities, all well-developed. The plot and tensions are well paced with some humorous spots as Charlotte gets used to having a butler and other amenities on board. This is the first in the cruising sisters and a great start to a fun cozy mystery series. 


KB Jackson is an Anthony Award finalist, an 2x Silver Falchion finalist, and Agatha Award winning author of mystery novels for grownups and mystery/adventure books for kids. An alumnus of the University of Washington, she lives in the Pacific NW with her husband. They have four grown children. 


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Book Review: A GAME OF LIES (Hannah Vogel Novels Book 3) by Rebecca Cantrell

About the Book 

In the midst of the grandeur and pageantry of the Games, Hannah Vogel poses as sports reporter while operating as a spy. When her mentor dies during the opening ceremonies, Hannah barely escapes with her life. As she searches for his killer and uncovers darker secrets than she'd ever imagined, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her enigmatic contact. Their connection blurs the line between duty and desire, as they navigate a world growing ever darker. 

Prepare to be captivated by Cantrell's immersive storytelling as she delves deep into the world of espionage, where loyalty is tested, alliances crumble, and the stakes couldn't be higher. 

"A Game of Lies" is a thrilling historical adventure that will leave you breathless, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of those who risked everything for love and freedom in a world on the brink. 


Hannah Vogel has come to Berlin as a reporter named Adelheid Zinsli to help the Brits counter the Nazi's heinous plans. As Hannah, she used to work in Berlin, but left as a fugitive. Part of her disguise is to pretend to be the lover of her co-conspirator, SS officer Lars. 

Her mentor of old, Peter Weill, contacts her as she, Lars and others watch the Olympics. As they connect, he tells her has an important package to take back to Britain. Only then he dies, poisoned. The setting, particularly as I read this during the 2024 Olympics, is portrayed well, as are the tensions of the time and the isolation of the Jews who are isolated, trying to get out of Germany. As tension and danger increase for Hannah and Lars, so does the attraction between her and Lars. 

The story is well-written, the pace steady, and it's not always clear who Hannah should trust. Although this is book 3 in the series, it is easily read as a stand-alone mystery. 

About the Author 

New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Cantrell's works have won the ITW Thriller, the Bruce Alexander and the Macavity awards and been nominated for the Barry, Mary Higgins Clark, GoodReads Choice, APPY, RT Reviewers Choice, and Shriekfest Film Festival awards. She and her husband and son live in Hawaii. 

Rebecca Cantrell is the author of the following series: The Joe Tesla mystery thriller series, including The World Beneath, The Tesla Legacy, The Chemistry of Death, and The Steel Shark. The Hannah Vogel mystery series, including A Trace of Smoke, A Night of Long Knives, A Game of Lies, A City of Broken Glass, and the prequel novella, Cigarette Boy and Other Stories. She co-writes the Malibu comedy mystery series with Sean Black, including A is for Asshat, B is for Bad Girls, C is for Coochy Coo, D is for Drunk, E is for Exposed, and F is for Fred. She co-wrote the Order of Sanguines gothic thriller trilogy with James Rollins, including The Blood Gospel, Innocent Blood, and Blood Infernal. As Bekka Black, Rebecca wrote the critically-acclaimed YA cell phone novels iDrakula and the iFrankenstein.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Book Review: FROM MANGIA TO MURDER (A Sophia Mancini - Little Italy Mystery Book 1) by Caroline Mickelson

About the Book 

Little Italy, 1946 

Sophia Mancini would have enjoyed the grand opening celebration of her family’s private detective agency if the volatile chef at Vincenzo’s Ristorante had actually survived the meal. But before Sophia’s chilled spoon hit the spumoni, someone plunged a knife into Vincenzo’s back and the word on everyone’s lips went from mangia to murder. 

Sophia soon finds herself trailing crime boss Frankie Vidoni, chatting with his mouthy mistress Maria, and dodging henchman Mooch DiMuccio. She’s suspicious of Vincenzo’s widow, Stella, and his assistant chef, Eugene, because they don’t appear the least bit dismayed by Vincenzo’s passing. 

There is no conversation Sophia won’t eavesdrop on, no question she won’t ask, and no danger she won’t face to find the killer. 


Post-war, Sophia's not only dealing with her father's attitudes about a woman's place, but she needed to come up with a business plan to help her brother, an injured vet, maintain custody of his son. Maybe a murder wasn't the place to start, but when Vincenzo is killed, the detective agency she and her brother just opened has its first case. And the crime boss hired them to solve the murder. Her brother is rehabbing and the nephew is cheering Sophia on, as her father berates her for working.

Sophia is spunky, assertive, and a force to be reckoned with. She loves her brother and nephew and is determined to make the agency work. Mooch's character develops slowly, but he's a keeper. Then there's the crime boss, his girl friend, Eugene, and Stella to consider. The plot has the requisite twists and turns, and moves at a steady pace. It was a fun read with the detective showing up at odd times, sometimes cold, and sometimes? There may be a romance in the offing. Definitely a cozy historical mystery worth curling up with.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Book Review: THE BODY BUSINESS (A Samantha Newman Mystery Book 1) by Gay Yellen

About the Book (from Amazon)

A missing friend... A jealous rival... 

An investigator with motives of his own. With a great job and a steady guy, Samantha Newman has it made until her best friend at work disappears and doubt creeps in. Is there some ugly reality behind her firm's success?

When she turns to the FBI for help, they send Carter Chapman, a man on a mission, and it doesn't include a headstrong corporate executive with her own set of problems. But after a terrible event puts them on the same path to discovery, they each have to decide if some secrets are worth the price. 

Fast-paced, fun, and full of surprises, The Body Business is Book 1 in the Samantha Newman Mystery Series from award-winning author, Gay Yellen. 


Samantha is putting pieces together, yet doesn't know what the puzzle will reveal. There's a sleazy co-worker who started on the job at the same time as Sam and immediately told Sam to stay out of her way. Then people start disappearing or dying suddenly. Most recently, it's Sam's best friend. For days, she hasn't returned Sam's calls. At the same time, she's broken up with Derek, who she brought into the company and is rising fast to the top. She doesn't trust him or anyone else. She sends a message to the FBI.

Yellen has a fine, well-developed cast of characters. As she tells the story, I had to agree with Sam that something was off. The FBI agent who finally responds has his own agenda, but comes around to Sam's thinking soon enough. The plot moves at a quick pace and the ending makes sense. If you like mysteries with multiple subplots, lots of action, and twists and turns, you'll enjoy this book. It kept my attention and the other two books in the series are now on my TBR list.

About the Author 

Gay Yellen began working life as a stage and TV actor, then moved behind the camera for the American Film Institute (AFI) as Assistant to the Director of Production. A former magazine editor and national journalism award winner, she was contributing book editor for Five Minutes to Midnight (Delacorte), an international thriller and New York Times Notable. 

Her award-winning Samantha Newman Series of romantic mystery novels includes The Body Business, The Body Next Door, and The Body in the News. 

Gay lives in Texas. She loves connecting with book clubs and community groups in person and online. You can contact her through her website or at GayYellen@gmail.com    

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Glimpse of Killer Nashville and Bouchercon in Nashville, TN

The last few weeks (8/22-9/2), I attended Killer Nashville and Bouchercon - both writer's conferences, and both in Nashville, TN. The major difference is that Bouchercon caters to fans (readers) as well as writers. This was my first Killer Nashville and I met some interesting people. The first photo below is the cozy mystery panel I was on along with CB Wilson, JD Webb, DL Mitchell, and Kay DiBianca, with Susan Parker moderating. Of note, DL Mitchell won the Silver Falchion Award for Cozy Mystery. It was a fun panel and CB Wilson explained succinctly that a cozy mystery was "a Hallmark movie on steroids." Would you agree with that?
The second was romantic suspense vs. romantic mysteries. That panel included Kathleen Caraway, Lynessa Layne, me, and Gay Yellen. I just finished a book by Gay Yellen - review coming soon. 

Between the two conferences, my husband and I enjoyed Gatlinburg, before returning to Nashville for Bouchercon. We visited the Great Smoky Mountain State Park and stayed in a cabin near the park. This is the sunrise from our deck. 

This is my third Bourchercon and they've all been a little different. Bouchercon 2024 was held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville. If you've never been to this hotel, it is phenomenal (and larger than life) with a conference center.  I attended a number of panels, saw some people I met at Killer Nashville and previous Bouchercons and made new friends.  

One of the panels I most enjoyed was entitled "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." The panel was moderated by Linda Hurtado Bond, and the panelists were Harlan Coben, Tom Farrell, Elise Hart Kipness, Andrew Welsh-Higgins, and Jonathan Brown. Very entertaining and informative. Not exactly cozy, but I'm a fan of Coben and may have to try some of these other authors.

I participated in a panel on Sunday morning - "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" moderated by Sara Glenn, along with Nicole Asselin, Carolyn Eichhorn, and MS Green. The focus was on cozy mysteries, why we write them, and where we get our ideas. It was a fun panel and I now have more authors to add to my TBR list.

I enjoyed my 10 days in Tennessee, but I came home exhausted and won't be doing back-to-back conference weekends again any time soon. In between, I ready many books so reviews will be coming slowly but surely.

Monday, August 26, 2024

New Release: A WEEKEND GETAWAY, ANOTHER MURDER (Sheridan Hendley Mysteries #10) by Christa Nardi

About the Book

A weekend getaway leads an amateur sleuth and her detective husband down a treacherous trail. 

With Maddie away on a high school trip, Sheridan and Brett are looking forward to some alone time – and a long-needed break from work and crime. To that end, they rent a cabin in the woods, planning to enjoy nature and hike the trails in the adjacent state park. But their plans are soon derailed by the appearance of a frantic dog, its owner nowhere in sight. 

The insistent dog leads them to an injured couple and a lifeless body. Sheridan and Brett are quick to offer assistance, both to the injured and the local authorities. The hike was challenging enough, but the trail left by the killer is filled with twists and turns, bringing with it new threats and danger. 

New Release priced at $0.99 through 9/1/2024.

Read an excerpt:

From Chapter 1:

The cabin was nicely appointed and provided a comfortable space. We dropped everything inside, put away the food stuffs, filled our water bottles, and went exploring. 

“They didn’t lie about the quiet, and it’s very well kept up, both the cabin and the area. I’m impressed.” 

Brett scanned the area. “Me, too. You up for trying out a trail?” 

“Sure. The signage with colors reminds me of the arboretum at Cold Creek. Black would be the hardest trail, so let’s start with the blue.” 

He rubbed my back. “We’ll work our way up to the black one. I’m not sure how many trails there are and which trails end in the park itself. I think they all do.” 

I chuckled as I stepped over a tree root. The further into the trail we walked, the less sunlight passed through the trees. It almost seemed spooky. We paused to drink some water and decide which way to go at a fork in the path and no signage. A dog barked, startling me. I looked around, and so did Brett. 

“Where are you, sweetie? Come here.” Brett shook his head and studied the trees and brush. I called again and spotted a small white dog. The dog barked and turned around. 

“Wait!” I started after him and stopped. “Come here, sweetie. Let’s see if you have a tag so we can find your human.” 

He came toward us, and I crouched. He barked and took off. This time he was close enough I could see his leash. I dove for it and missed, colliding with the ground. Brett helped me up, and we moved in the direction the dog disappeared. 

“He has a leash. His owner may be hurt. Let’s follow him.” 

I nodded. That path turned uphill and curved. Every so often, the dog came back, barked, and kept going. I heard a scratchy voice and turned to Brett. He nodded. “A woman. There’s a chance she’s hurt.” 

He put on speed, and I trailed behind. The dog barked and whined as we approached a clearing. A woman laid alongside a man on the ground. The dog went to the couple and came back to us, barking and panting. I spotted what appeared to be a body further away. 

“I have a gun and I know how to use it.” The woman’s voice was raspy. “I tried to call the police, but my fall smashed my phone. Michael’s unconscious.” 

Brett put his hands up. “Ma’am. We’re only here because your dog led us to you. We mean you no harm. I’m a detective with the State Police. That looks like a gun someone in law enforcement might have. Are you law enforcement?” 

Her shoulders relaxed a bit, she put the gun down, and her lips trembled. “It’s Michael’s gun. Michael’s a detective in Beckman Springs. Can you call for help, please?” 

“I’m Sheridan. I’ll call for you. Do you know the best way to direct them here?” 

“Black trail. I don’t know how else.” She leaned over the man and cringed. 

“Ma’am, are you hurt? Can you tell me what happened?” Brett moved to the man to check him out. He wasn’t moving. 

“I’m Stacie. We were coming up the trail from that side.” She pointed in the opposite direction we’d come from. “Jasper growled and pulled on his leash. I tried to hold him, but he got loose. Michael moved forward. I heard Jasper yelp and rushed over."

Excerpt from A Weekend Getaway, Another Murder. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.

About Christa Nardi 

Christa Nardi (pen name) is an accomplished writer and an avid reader. Christa has authored the 5-book Cold Creek cozy mystery series with the spin-off series featuring the protagonist, Sheridan Hendley, a professor and psychologist. She also authors the Stacie Maroni series and the Izzie Di Sante series. She co-authors the Hannah and Tamar Mystery series for teens and young adults with Cassidy Salem. 

Her blog, Christa Reads and Writes, spotlights and reviews books by many other mystery writers. When not reading or writing, Christa enjoys travel with her husband, and playing with her dog and three grand-daughters. She supports dog rescue. You can contact Christa:


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Book Review: LAST GIRL MISSIING (A Detective Callie Ford Mystery Book 1) by K.L. Murphy

About the Book

She wanted to avenge her father. She needed to save herself. 

When Detective Callie Forde is called to the home of a missing teenaged girl, she doesn't initially suspect foul play. Hampstead is a quiet college town. It's safe—if you don't count the other girl. But as the hours wear on with no sign of Natalie, the police are forced to consider the teenager might have been abducted. 

No one is more surprised than Callie when all their leads are eerily similar to that of another case, the five-year-old cold case that ended with a botched investigation, a shooting, and her father in a wheelchair. Determined not to make the same mistakes he made, Callie races to find the girl, avenge her father, and maybe, stop history from repeating itself.  


Callie Ford returns home, determined to find the person responsible not only for the missing girl of the past but for the devastating effects on her father. She's now the detective he once was and another girl is missing. The trail of clues reminds her of the previous case and she asks her father questions about the case, though initially he's not very responsive. Callie's uncovering secrets, some going back to the original case. Her search for the killer now puts Callie in danger. 

The story has all the elements of a thriller and at the same time, her struggle with her father is poignant. It is well-written, the pace is good, and character development is strong. The suspense and tension kept me reading. This is the first in a series and I'm looking forward to the next in the series. 

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

About the Author 

K.L. Murphy is the award-nominated author of Her Sister’s Death, a 2023 Silver Falchion Finalist for Best Mystery and the January 2023 Once Upon a Book Club Pick. 

She is also the author of the Detective Cancini Mystery Series: A Guilty Mind, Stay of Execution, and The Last Sin. Her short stories are featured in Deadly Southern Charm and Murder by the Glass. Last Girl Missing, the first book in her new crime series, published in July of 2024.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Book Review: ONE OF YOU (Tower District Mysteries) by Lorie Lewis Ham

One of You (Tower District Mysteries) Mystery 2nd in Series Setting – The Tower District of Fresno, CA 
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mystery Rat’s Books (June 4, 2024) 

About the Book 

With her life on the California Coast behind her, Roxi Carlucci is beginning to feel at home in the Tower District—the cultural oasis of Fresno, CA—where she now lives with her cousin P.I. Stephen Carlucci, her pet rat Merlin, a Pit Bull named Watson, and a black cat named Dan. She has a new entertainment podcast, works as a part-time P.I., and is helping local bookstore owner Clark Halliwell put on the first-ever Tower Halloween Mysteryfest! The brutal summer heat is gone and has been replaced by the dense tule fog—perfect for Halloween! 

She just wishes everyone would stop calling her the “Jessica Fletcher” of the Tower District simply because she found a dead body when she first arrived. But when one of the Mysteryfest authors is found dead, she fears she jinxed herself! The Carlucci’s are hired to find the killer before they strike again. Will Mysteryfest turn into a murder fest? How is the local gossip website back, and what does it know about the death of Roxi’s parents? 


The Mysteryfest is stressful enough without the murder. As the story builds up, Ham gives the impression that the murder - and, of course, there's a murder - will be of the one no one has a kind word for. Not wanting to give it away, but with a small cast of "celebrities" and the erstwhile publisher and tyrant, it's all about jealousy and competition. Or is it? The Tower gossip tweets are back and it's not clear whose offering the hints or why. She or he might know the answer.

This is the second in the Tower District Series, but easily read as a stand-alone. Roxi's still trying to get her bearings but is in the thick of things trying to figure out who the killer is and why. The main characters are well-developed; the quirky ones are definitely quirky. This was a fun read. Cozy mystery lovers will enjoy the Tower District Series. 

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way. 

The Tower District Series
One of Us
One of You

About the Author 

Lorie Lewis Ham lives in Reedley, California and has been writing ever since she was a child. Her first song and poem were published when she was 13, and she has gone on to publish many articles, short stories, and poems throughout the years, as well as write for a local newspaper, and publish 7 mystery novels. 

For the past 14 years, Lorie has been the editor-in-chief and publisher of Kings River Life Magazine, and she produces Mysteryrat’s Maze Podcast, where you can hear an excerpt of her book (link below).

You can learn more about Lorie and her writing here:

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