Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Rambling

This is the time of the year to reflect on the good things in life - something that often is difficult to do. Whether in America, on Thanksgiving, or elsewhere, remembering what we can be thankful for - or as the song goes "Counting our blessings" (yup, getting in the holiday mood here!) is always uplifting.

I am thankful for my husband who supports me in all my craziness and stressful times, for my sisters and brother, and my extended family. I'm thankful for the "children" I gained when I married my husband, and three grand-daughters we get to spoil and who make us laugh on a regular basis. Never would have gone to see "Frozen" on ice without them. 

Relatively new to the writing thing, I'm very thankful to the many people in various groups who offer support, suggestions, and constructive feedback. And, of course to my friends who may not read my books, but ask about my writing and support my efforts. Finally to all my readers - thank you for the good words and feedback. 

Whether you celebrate this American holiday or not, remember to be thankful for every kindness and to be kind.

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