Aggie Mundeen, single and pushing forty, fears nothing but middle age. When she moves from Chicago to San Antonio, she decides she better shape up before anybody discovers she writes the column, “Stay Young with Aggie.” She takes Aspects of Aging at University of the Holy Trinity and plunges into exercise at Fit and Firm.
Rusty at flirting and mechanically inept, she irritates a slew of male exercisers, then stumbles into murder. She’d like to impress the attractive detective with her sleuthing skills. But when the killer comes after her, the health club evacuates semi-clad patrons, and the detective has to stall his investigation to save Aggie’s derriere.
Aggie Mundeen decides to get fit and instead ends up saving Holly from a drowning accident. But then Holly is promptly the victim of a hit-and-run. Holly has a similar secret to Aggie and Aggie is afraid that her good friend and detective Sam will find her the secret if she doesn't help solve Holly's murder fast. In the process, she manages to make several other members of the fitness club unhappy. Aggie muddles through, while still trying to take the graduate course with the stuffy professor. I enjoyed the description of the class when she confronted him and I suspect the others in the class did too! Similarly, West's description of the exodus from the fitness center with semi- or unclothed patrons provided a good visual perspective. A solid story line, with many suspects and twists, not to mention Aggie's personal mystery. I am glad to see the second in the series available.

I’ve been writing since age seven: poems back and forth with my mom. I had a real poem published in the Library Journal, Pegasus, at age fifteen. At eighteen, I wanted to study journalism and English literature, but friends who chose that college route were making minimum wage or selling lingerie. Being practical, I earned a business degree. After marriage and two children, I decided I HAD to study literature and write. I wrote non-fiction articles, a biography, and a suspense novel in 2004. That’s when whimsical Aggie Mundeen cut through the suspense, popped into my head and demanded her own series. The Aggie Mundeen mystery capers were born. Aggie must have been right:FIT TO BE DEAD is a LEFTY FINALIST 2013 for best humorous mystery, nominated by Left Coast Crime.
Fit To Be Dead
(An Aggie Mundeen Mystery Book 1)
E-Book File Size: 477 KB
Publisher: Henery Press (July 24, 2014)
Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Henery Press(July 29, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-1940976372
Dang Near Dead is now up on Amazon if you want to add that like to your post: http://www.amazon.com/Dang-Near-Aggie-Mundeen-Mystery-ebook/dp/B00N12RJLC/ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411585752&sr=1-1&keywords=dang+near+dead
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