For me, 2014 has been a good year:
MURDER AT COLD CREEK COLLEGE (released in October 2013) has done well with average reviews at 4.3 of 5 stars - not bad for a first novel! Great Escapes arranged a great blog tour that helped get the word out.
MURDER IN THE ARBORETUM was released in September 2014 and thus far is at 4.8 of 5 stars with hopefully more reviews coming in!
The whole marketing aspect of being a self-published author is getting a little easier, and I've gotten some good advice from fellow writers and through the various FB groups. I finally gave in and have a Twitter account, though I can't possibly read all the tweets and honestly can't fathom how anyone can.
I started Book 3 - as yet untitled - in a feeble attempt to do NANOWRIMO. I managed 20,000 words so it is off and running.
Family-wise, things have been a bit rocky in the extended family with one passing and another in extended care. 2014 also saw the passing of two friends.
Healthwise, all is well for my husband and me - at least that's what I'm told. We both started working out, drinking more water, and eating better - well except for all the cookies of late. Some days we both agree that getting old is NOT for sissies.
Not quite resolutions for 2015:
First off, the plan is to continue to work out, hydrate, and eat better. Ideally, a few pounds and inches will fall off along the way.
Great Escapes has scheduled a blog tour for MURDER IN THE ARBORETUM - the schedule will be posted in the next day or so.
Finish Book 3 - hopefully by early spring. It is, after all, one-third or so written already.

A few Kindle Countdown Deals are planned and possibly a boxed set deal for a short time in the late spring. I haven't quite figured that out yet.
Participate in the Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge - I already have A, B, and P and 2 T's lined up for January reading.
Last, but not least, take time to relax and enjoy my husband's company and that of my friends.
What about you? How was your 2014? Your hopes (not quite resolutions) for 2015?